Road Trippin’ with Robert: Gainesville, FL

Road Trippin’ with Robert: Gainesville, FL

Knight fans invaded Gator country This review of the visiting fans’ experience at the University of Florida has to begin with a disclaimer.  I was raised in a Gator household.  I was one of four boys born in about a five year window more than 5 decades ago.  To this...
Let’s get excited about UCF Football

Let’s get excited about UCF Football

Five things I’m looking forward to for the 2024 season Summer is here, folks.  UCF has put a final wrap on its inaugural season in the Big XII in all of its major sports.  We’re less than 100 days away from the start of the 2024 college...
UCF Knights Baseball goes Big (XII) time

UCF Knights Baseball goes Big (XII) time

The Week in UCF Baseball Big XII competition begins this weekend, and boasting a 9-1 start, the UCF Knights are storming into conference play on quite a high, especially coming off a victory against the 4th-ranked Florida Gators on Wednesday. That’s FIVE straight Ws...